njw.name/bbcschedule package

This package is a command that lists the schedule for a BBC radio station.

This is a Go package, and can be installed in the standard go way, by running git clone https://git.njw.name/bbcschedule and go install . from the bbcschedule directory.


Usage: bbcschedule [-station stationname] [-date yyyy-mm-dd] [-v]

Lists the schedule for a BBC radio station for a day.
  -date string
        Date of schedule
  -station string
        Radio station name (called 'service id' by BBC) (default "bbc_radio_fourfm")
  -v    Verbose - use long descriptions for programmes


Any and all comments, bug reports, patches or pull requests would be very welcomely received. Please email them to git@njw.name.


This package is licensed under the GPLv3. See the LICENSE file for more details.